Vision 01

Complex systems require complex thinking.

The sustainable plant health solutions at TuBiomics are developed with a systems-level perspective, where the biosynthetic capacity of microbial communities is harnessed. Our approach seeks to leverage the inherent ability of microbial communities to coordinate a flexible biological and chemical response to biotic and abiotic threats.

The strategic vision at TuBiomics is to apply more coherent thinking to the management of a complex system.

Platform 02

A community-wide
approach to discovery.

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    TuBiomics has established a proprietary discovery platform capable of motivating microbial communities to produce pools of bioactive microbial secondary metabolites (MSMs). These metabolites are then isolated from their discovery pools and extensively characterized for their individual and collective bioactivity.

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    TuBiomics is also developing a unique cloud-based bioinformatics platform to explore and model community networks and metabolic behavior, efficiently seeking key insights into microbiome function that may reveal new research horizons.

Application 03

Innovating solutions for
complex systems

The initial portfolio of natural chemistry mixtures demonstrates broad spectrum bioactivity. Our lead product TBH-003 is a highly effective herbicide, demonstrating significant pre-emergent, post-emergent and re-emergence suppression of both broadleaf weeds and grasses.

The R&D team is assessing natural chemistry mixtures that demonstrate activity as insecticides, nematicides, fumigants, fungicides and biostimulants.

Contact Us

Stay in touch with TuBiomics as we collaborate with our corporate partners to advance our products towards commercialization.

In conjunction with our corporate partners, we are developing a dossier of laboratory, greenhouse and field trial data to support the commercial development and global registration of our MSM product candidates. If you would like to receive periodic updates, send us a note with your email and we can add you to our mailing list.

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Vision 01

Complex systems require
complex thinking.

A healthy soil microbiome collaborates with a plant host and stewards itself through the continuous restructuring of its biology and deployment of chemistry in response to biotic and abiotic challenges. The soil microbiome is a complex system.

As a complex system, a healthy soil microbiome has a tremendous reserve capacity to produce a diversity of useful chemicals. When biotic or abiotic stressors are encountered, this reserve capacity can empower the soil microbiome to assemble multi-mechanistic chemical responses, refined by evolution, to counter threats. This phenomenon is referred to as "emergent biosynthetic capacity".


Applying a systems-level vision, TuBiomics has developed a chemical discovery process which aligns with the complexity of this evolutionary response pattern of a soil microbiome and promotes the emergent biosynthetic capacity of microbial communities.

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Platform 02

A community-wide
approach to discovery.

TuBiomics aims to better understand the underlying system dynamics of microbial community governance and collaboration and align innovative solutions with those organizing principles. Rather than applying top-down force to the rhizosphere, how might we co-opt the flexibility and responsiveness of existing microbial communities in the rhizosphere to sustainably support farming practices?

Applying a systems-level perspective, TuBiomics has developed a proprietary discovery platform complemented by multi-omics analysis. We incentivize microbial communities to interact, (re)structure their community, and express a diversity of beneficial microbial secondary metabolites (MSMs). Our platform promotes improved emergence of microbial metagenomic potential, and the maximal production of unique pools of MSMs


We believe that this strategic approach is a more coherent basis for the discovery of MSMs that influence biological systems and achieve plant and soil health outcomes.

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Platform 02

A community-wide
approach to discovery.

The TuBiomics cloud-based bioinformatics analysis platform is capable of ingesting multi-omics data for integrated analysis. The computational and quantitative tools are available to interrogate metagenomic, metatranscriptomic and metabolomic datasets. The datasets may be analyzed individually, or integrated for a dynamic, systems-level analysis of community-wide metabolic networks.


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Application 03

Leveraging simple solutions
for complex systems.

Chemistry is the motivating force in the microbiome, enabling community-based strategies and intelligence to be applied. How can we best influence this biological system to drive the best outcomes for soil health and crop yield?

The microbiome literature demonstrates that microbial metabolites can promote a variety of beneficial plant and soil health outcomes. Human digestive health is also supported by a variety of microbial metabolites. Our aim is to leverage our proprietary discovery platform to identify and develop MSM based product candidates to meet diverse challenges.


The direct application of microbial species to plants and soil is believed to be an incomplete concept, at best. To date, insufficient evidence exists that applied microbes are detectable after application, and no mechanistic explanation is agreed upon concerning how non-native microbes exert beneficial effects. TuBiomics believes that in many cases, the necessary microbial diversity already resides in the rhizosphere microbiome to support emergent biosynthesis and produce target biology and chemistry.

TuBiomics has several MSM based treatment strategies currently under study in lab, greenhouse, and field trials. Whether as stand-alone treatments or as adjuvants in IPM strategies, TuBiomics MSM based products will effectively suppress pathogens, decrease the use of synthetic chemistries, lessen environmental impact, and improve microbiome function while helping growers achieve their yield goals.